Common fat profiles in infant formula

Common fat profiles in infant formula

Why are fats so important? Fats are one of three biochemical macromolecules that provide infants with energy and biological building blocks for development. Fats are a rich source of needed energy for a growing newborn and contain more than twice the energy content of carbohydrates or proteins. Aside from their caloric role, fats play an essential function in the proper development of brain function, the immune system and are responsible for the absorption of many fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K. Both breastmilk and infant formula contain a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat types. What fats are in infant formula? In order to best represent the fat profile in breastmilk, infant formula should contain a mixture of all three fat types in proper ratios for optimal newborn nutrition. To accomplish this, formulas will often use a mix of coconut oil, palm oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, soybean oil and rapeseed (canola) oil. In addition to these fats, the inclusion of omega-3 fats to deliver crucial anti-inflammatory and brain development components is essential. A general ratio and breakdown of these fatty acids can be found below.
Optimal Fat Profiles and Potential Digestive Issues Most formula companies utilize the vegetable and cooking oils listed above in an attempt to mimic the optimal fat profile ratios found in natural breastmilk. While this make up can achieve general fat profile ratios, research has shown that the use of bovine milk fat more similarly resembles breast milk fat content without potential digestive drawbacks. The use of palm oil, specifically, can lead to infant digestive distress due to the chemical configuration of the palmitic acid in palm oil compared to that found in cow’s milk. In both human and bovine milk fat, the bulk of palmitic acid is found in the middle of the glycerol backbone, the sn-2 position.Current research estimates that human breast milk contains 70 to 88% of palmitic acid at sn-2 positions and bovine milk contains 40 to 45% of palmitic acid at the sn-2 position. In contrast, most cooking oil including palm oil contain palmitic acid in the sn-2 position at a 10 to 20% ratio. The difference in fat chemical configuration between the two forms can have serious consequences on infant digestion. The liberation of palmitic acid from the sn-1 or sn-3 position as found in palm oil creates solubility issues within the intestines and can lead to a hardening of the fats when they bind to calcium in which they create soap-like molecules that can cause severe gastrointestinal distress. The affinity for calcium that these free fats exhibit can also decrease calcium absorption due to competitive binding. The sn-2 positioned palmitic acid residue in bovine fat is spared this cleaving and interacts more favorably in intestinal conditions. Summary Fats are essential macromolecules that offer infants essential energy and necessary components for their growth and development. Infant formulas are attempt to mimic the fat profiles found in breastmilk, often employing a mix of various oils, including palm oil. However, the use of palm oil may lead to potential digestive issues due to its palmitic acid structure, which contrasts with that found in human and bovine milk. The configuration of palmitic acid in palm oil can cause solubility problems, leading to gastrointestinal distress and reduced calcium absorption. As such, the use of bovine milk fat in infant formulas might present a closer resemblance to the fat content in human breastmilk, potentially avoiding these digestive complications.
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