- Industry standard is to source 100% of fat in formula from vegetable oils (aka cooking oils). Kendamil uses mammalian milk fat instead of relying solely on vegetable oils
- Mammalian milk fat has naturally occurring short and medium chain fatty acids which are easier to digest. These fatty acids are absent in vegetable oils (with the exception of coconut and palm oil) .
- Palmitic acid is a major saturated fatty acid source found in mammalian milk. Vegetable oil blends rely on palm oil to deliver this content. The chemical positioning of the palmitic acid on a glycerol backbone differs between mammalian milk sources versus palm oil.
- The palmitic acid found in palm oil is harder to digest and has been correlated to hard stool, constipation and bone demineralisation as it cross reacts with calcium to form hard soaps in the gut.
- Infants on drinking formula with milk fat experienced less gut discomfort, crying and fussiness as well as less hardening fatty soap content in stools.
- Naturally occurring Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) is found in the milk fat used in Kendamil. Clinical studies done on infants have shown that MFGM improves neurodevelopment and language development. MFGM also reduces the amount of episodes of diarrhoea and respiratory sickness, as well as infection in general.

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