- Baby’s head will be resting on the mother's right forearm (inner side of the elbow).
- Baby will be laying on their left side across mother’s lap with the baby’s back along the inner right arm and palm
- Baby’s mouth should face mother’s breast at nipple height
- Baby’s tummy should be facing close to mother’s tummy
- Left hand can be free to support the breast, if needed
- Pillows can be used under the mothers arm to give baby a “lift” and also behind mother’s back to keep her comfortable
- Mother should avoid hunching over while nursing. The baby should be brought up to the mother's nipple and not vice versa.

- Mother should bring baby’s head to her right breast using the inside of her left palm
- Baby’s body should be laying on their side at a slight angle towards mother’s left side, with the mother’s left arm behind baby’s back
- The arm that is supporting the baby’s body can be held up with a pillow across the mother’s lap so that the mother’s arm does not get tired
- The mother should turn the baby’s body towards her body so that tummies are touching
- The mother can use her left fingers to have better control over the baby’s neck (very beneficial in newborns who have weak neck muscles and need extra support) and bring the baby’s head close to her nipple when latching
- Right hand can be used to hold uper her breast
- Mother should avoid hunching over while nursing. The baby’s mouth should be brought up to the mother and not vice versa.

- Mother should hold the baby facing up at her right side
- Baby’s head should be place near the mother’s right nipple
- The mother should support the baby’s back and legs under her right arm (tucking the legs behind her right side - similar to how you would hold a football)
- The mother should hold the baby’s head with her right palm and bring baby up to her nipple to begin nursing
- Mother should avoid hunching over while nursing. The baby’s mouth should be brought up to the mother’s nipple and not vice versa.

- Mother lies down on her side
- Baby lies down on their side facing the mother
- Baby’s mouth is level with the mother’s nipple
- Baby’s chest should be parallel (facing) to the mother’s chest
- The baby’s head can lay on the mother’s forearm for more support